Putovanje u Indiju - Kurs Kundalini meditacije sa Gurmukh 11.2- 2.3.2020
Putovanje u Indiju - 11.2-2.3.2020
Kurs meditacije u Rishikeshu sa Gurmukh (14-23.2); obilazak mesta moći: Amritsar, Dharamshala, Tadž Mahal
Evo sastavili smo definitivni plan puta za februar 2020❤️
Putujemo 11.februara iz Beograda do Delhija pa do Dehraduna. Odatle idemo taxijem (oko 45 min) do Rishikesha.
Tu ostajemo dve noći ( tri dana) i uveče idemo kod Gurmukh u njen novi retrit centar dvadesetak kilometara od grada, na obali rečice okruženi Himalajskim planinama.
Tu ostajemo 9 noći i prolazimo intezivni kurs meditacije Kundalini joge sa Gurmukh i Gurushabadom The 21 Stages of Meditation.
24. 02. ujutru idemo u Dharamshalu (mali Tibet ga zovu) u Dalaj Laminu rezidenciju. Tu ostajemo dve noći i onda idemo za Amritsar u Golden Temple. Odatle se 28. predveče vraćamo za Delhi.
Ostajemo u Delhiju tri noći ,idemo do Tadž Mahala i Vrindavana i obilazimo Delhi. 2.marta se vraćamo za Beograf.
Etoooo. Dosta vas je pitalo za plan puta pa da vas obavestim.
To je naš plan puta, ali uvek ga možemo zajednicki malo promeniti.
Sat Nam!
Students and teachers from all contemplative traditions are invited; instructors and practitioners of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® are all invited to participate.
“One last step. A step that is bestowed. A spiritual crown given only by Thee, which can never be taken. It is a final quantum leap.”
As you discover how to live a creative, meaningful human life, you may find some lessons are pleasurable, others painful, and some go on long roundabout detours. As you experience the 21 Stages of Meditation, you will experience worlds upon worlds, realms upon realms. Indeed, this is a rare chance to learn the very lessons for which you have been longing.
In a class in 1987, Yogi Bhajan described twenty stages we experience when we meditate. Then he challenged the class, “Do you understand all that?”
Throughout the next eleven years Dr. Gurucharan Singh decoded these twenty stages of meditation, and then brought them to New Mexico during Summer Solstice. Yogi Bhajan graciously met in his home with Dr. Gurucharan Singh. Listening as the stages were read, Yogi Bhajan occasionally commented, added, adjusted, corrected, and sometimes simply smiled. After hearing each stage, Yogi Bhajan drew a sketch to illustrate the experience of that stage and explained the meaning of the drawing. This exchange was repeated twenty times through all the stages Yogi Bhajan had given in the 1987 class.
Then Dr. Gurucharan Singh said, “Sir, there must be twenty-one stages? What is the name of the twenty-first stage?”
After a long pause of stillness Yogi Bhajan started laughing. ”Yes, there is.” He called the twenty-first stage, “Infinite Pulse.” Yogi Bhajan began describing the experience of this stage, and made a sketch just as he had for all the previous stages. Unlike the other stages, the feeling of the twenty-first stage was of wishing to stay and to linger in this realm.
In these ten days, you will experience self-healing through Meditation. Meditation is a continuous process, not a skill learned all at once. Meditation is a practice applied to the self again and again. The down-to-Earth course touches the Heavens within… healing frustration, boredom, upsets, anger, jealousy, addictions, anxiety, fear, loneliness, offering skillful tools to set you free. You will come to live intuitively with radiance and with grace. These ten days are for you whether your experience with Meditation has been unfolding for years or decades or you are now beginning your journey.
Within the nature and the stillness of the foothills of the exquisite Himalayan Mountains in India, you will discover a “Silence before the Infinite” and the Truth that “the Self is Home.”
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